16.02.2004 09.00 hrs
Improved earnings
- Consolidated net operating profit rose by 6.7 per cent to 15.2
million euros(EUR 14.2 M in 2002)
- The Bank's net operating profit rose by 16.2 per cent to EUR
15.5 M (13.3)
- Return on equity after taxes (ROE) was 11.4 per cent (11.5)
- Other income increased by 20.9 per cent to EUR 19.8 M (16.4).
- Excluding nonrecurring items, expenses remained at the 2002
- Lending volume rose by 10.0 per cent to EUR 1,385 M (1,260)
- Deposit accounts increased by 3.6 per cent to EUR 1,134 M
- The total capital ratio amounted to 11.4 (11.0) per cent
- Earnings per share after taxes amounted to EUR 1.02 euro (1.00)
- The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of EUR 1.00 per
External factors
During 2003, financial markets were characterised by economic
recovery and mounting optimism. Early in the year, however,
crisis awareness was high and the approaching war in Iraq added
to unrest. The war was relatively short and beginning in the
early summer, the American economy showed increasing signs of
entering a recovery phase. Greater capital spending and continued
strong private consumption helped boost growth in the American
economy to a full 8.3 per cent annualised rate during the third
quarter of 2003. The world economy and especially the countries
in South East Asia benefited from China's increase d presence in
the global market. In the twelve-country Economic and
Monetary Union (EMU), or euro zone, growth was weak during 2003,
especially in the first half. During the second quarter of the
year, Germany, France and Italy showed negative growth. Private
consumption was weak, while the appreciation of the euro against
other currencies dampened export potential. The Finnish economy
coped relatively well with these conditions. The strong central
government finances of recent years made tax cuts possible.
Together with low interest rates, this stimulated private
- The money and bond markets Weak growth combined with modest
inflation in the EMU area persuaded the European Central Bank
(ECB) to lower its key interest rate twice during the year. In
March, the ECB cut its refi rate from 2.75 per cent to 2.50 per
cent. In early June it carried out afurther rate cut, this time
by 50 basis points. After the June rate cut, the ECB's key
rateremained unchanged at 2.0 per cent.
The Federal Reserve - the US central bank - lowered its federal
funds rate to 1.0 per centon June 25, citing a certain risk of
deflation in the American economy. This key rate remained
unchanged during the rest of 2003. Backed by increasingly
positive economic statistics, the Fed concluded in December that
the deflation risk had disappeared.
However, owing to the weak labour market and low inflationary
pressure, late in the year the bank indicated that its key rate
would remain unchanged in the foreseeabl e future.
- The foreign exchange market
Despite strong economic signals from the United States,
especially during the autumn, the US dollar continued to weaken
against the euro. Underlying factors were that imbalances in the
American economy and the federal budget increased during 2003,
among other things because the US was involved in several
geopolitical conflicts.
Another reason for the weakening of the dollar was that the US
had lower short-term interest rates than the EMU area throughout
2003. At the beginning of the year, the euro was trading at USD
1.04. By year-end it was trading at USD 1.26. In other words, the
euro strengthened by 21 per cent against the dollar during 2003.
Exchange rates for the Swedish krona reflected developments
related to the September 14, 2003 referendum on whether Sweden
should join the euro zone. When 2003 began, the euro was trading
at SEK 9.12. During the first eight months of the year, the trend
of the krona was highly influenced by public opinion surveys. The
currency traded with a premium, due to the prevailing uncertainty
about the outcome of the referendum. When
the krona was at its weakest, a euro cost SEK 9.30. After the
referendum, the krona strengthened, even though the outcome had
been a rejection of euro zone membership. This was mainly because
the uncertainty premium disappeared, allowing attention to focus
again on economic fundamentals in Sweden. These were considered
better than in most EMU countries. Late in September, the EUR/S EK
exchange rate had dropped to 8.90, and at year-end a euro cost
just above SEK 9.
- The stock market
The year 2003 was the first since 1999 that ended with an upturn
in stock markets. Due to the rapid course of the Iraq war, the
historically high risk premiums that were evident early in the
year gradually began to normalise during the summer. For some
time, listed companies had been working to lower their costs and
thereby improve earnings. Analysts had generally been too
negative in their assessments, and they adjusted earnings
upward during the summer. Together with increasingly robust
economic indicators, this persuaded the market to assign higher
values to listed companies. In the US, the profits of listed
companies rose by more than 20 per cent during the second half,
compared to the year before, which further increased confidence
in the stock market.
The technology-dominated Nasdaq exchange in the US, which fell by
68 per cent during the years 2000-2002, climbed 50 per cent
during 2003. Overall, US stock markets showed stronger growth
than their European counterparts. The broad S&P500 share index
rose by 26 per cent during 2003, while the European Stoxx50 index
and the Helsinki Stock Exchange's HEX Portfolio each rose 16 per
cent. Taking the weakening of the dollar into account, the S&P500
rose by only 5 per cent.
On the Helsinki Stock Exchange, investors were interested at
first in cyclical companies, which were viewed as poised to
benefit from the expected rec overy in the world economy. In
additional, technology companies were at an advantage because
after the crisis years 2000-2002, their economic potential was
considered high. Shares of the telecom giant Nokia, Finland's
dominant listed company, nevertheless moved sideways during much
of the year, since the market was disappointed at the lack of
sales growth. During the autumn, the Finnish government proposed
the abolition of the avoir fiscal
system, which eliminates double taxation of corporate profits,
beginning in 2005. As a
result, many companies decided on extra dividends during the
autumn of 2003, while others were expected to approve extra large
dividends in conjunction with their annual general meetings in
the spring of 2004. Expectations of high direct yields favoured
price appreciation in the shares of these companies.
- The Finnish banking industry During 2003 the banking industry
was again characterised by stiffening competition. The industry's
gross margin fell from 3.2 per cent to 2.6 per cent. By way of
comparison, the corresponding figure in 2000 was as high as 4.3
per cent. In other words, the gross margins of Finnish banks fell
about 40 per cent in three years.
The continued decline in interest rates helped to further squeeze
the profitability of traditional deposit-taking. Since
opportunities to compete for lending business on the basis of
price has practically been eliminated, there is unfortunately a
noticeable tendency
for banks to compete instead by boosting indeb tedness levels.
Late in the year, some banks again spoke of a need for staff
The number of market players increased when Nooa Bank began
operations in
collaboration with the Pohjola insurance group. At the beginning
of 2004, Tapiola Bank
- affiliated with the Tapiola insurance group - also began
Taken together, narrower margins, low interest rates and more
players in a mature market add up to a "chaotic market". In such
a market it is difficult for consumers to distinguish one brand
from another, advertising investments tend to intensify and price
plays a major role in the choice of supplier. Players in such a
market have to choose between using economies of scale to deliver
the cheapest possible product or, as a niche player, deliver the
best possible product to a given segment.
The Bank of Åland's operations
In 2003, the operations of the Bank of Åland were characterised
by governance reform and management changes, as well as employee
dedication in implementing the Bank'srelationship management
Governance reform and management changes
- New Articles of Association
To modernise the governance of the Bank of Åland, the Supervisory
Board proposed new Articles of Association, which the Annual
General Meeting of shareholders unanimously approved on March 13,
2003. Among other things, the Articles of Association now
statethat the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Managing
Director of the Bank may not be the same person. The term of
offic e of the Board of Directors is one calendar year,
and it is appointed by the Bank's Supervisory Board.
- New Board of Directors
On April 24, the Supervisory Board appointed an external Board of
Directors, replacingthe system in which the Bank's Board of
Management had also served as the Board of Directors. The new
Board of Directors consists of Göran Lindholm, Chairman; Leif
Nordlund, Vice Chairman; Sven-Harry Boman, Kent Janér, Agneta
Karlsson and Tom Palmberg. None of the members of the Board of
Directors is an employee of the Bank. The Board of Directors took
office on May 9 and held 13 meetings during the year. Its members
devoted a great deal of effort to becoming familiar with the
Bank, its strategy
and culture. During the autumn, the Board approved a resolution
declaring that the Bank will continue working according to a
"relationship bank" strategy. On December 11, the Board was re-
elected for 2004.
- New organisational structure
At its November 14 meeting, the Board of Directors approved a
partial renewal of the Bank's organisational structure. The
Private Banking Division and the other Bank offices on the
Finnish mainland were combined into a Mainland Division. The
Åland Division received a clear mandate to participate in
provincial development work. A decision was made to turn the
development and operation of computer systems into a separate
company. To emphasise human resource and skills development, the
new company was
combined with the Bank's Business Development Di vision.
- New Managing Director
During preparations for the election of the Board of Directors
for 2004, the Board and the Bank's Managing Director and Chief
Executive Officer, Folke Husell, had such difficulty working
together that on December 11, the Supervisory Board of the Bank
decided to dismiss the Managing Director and CEO. At the same
time, the Deputy CEO, Edgar Vickström, was appointed Acting
Managing Director and CEO.
- New Executive Team members
On December 11, Bengt Lundberg and Dan-Erik Woivalin were
appointed new members of the Bank's renamed Executive Team
(formerly the Board of Management). Continuing members of the
Executive Team are Edgar Vickström, Lars Donner, Anders Ingves
and Jan Tallqvist. Recuitment of a General Manager for the
Mainland Division is currently under way.
- New presiding officers of the Supervisory Board
On December 16 Anders Wiklöf, Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
resigned of his own volition. On December 22 the previous Vice
Chairman, Kjell Clemes, was elected the new Chairman of the
Supervisory Board and Trygve Eriksson as the new ViceChairman.
Implementation of the relationship banking strategy
Since the autumn of 1999, the strategy of the Bank has been to
further develop a working method based on deepening its customer
relationships - both through personal encounters with the
customer and over the Internet. The Bank of Åland brand and the
service that it stands for is a premium brand on the Finnish
In the province of Å land, we are the market-leading bank. Our
strategy work has been honoured by a very gratifying distinction,
the CERS Award of the Swedish School of Economics and Business
Administration in Helsinki.
Market surveys conducted by the Bank show that our customers are
increasingly loyal and that they appreciate their relationship
with the Bank. The service provided at our 20 Åland and eight
Finnish mainland offices is perceived as personal, warm, fast,
flexible and innovative.
- Deposits and lending The employees of the Bank of Åland have
responded to tough competition in a commendable way.
The Bank's primary focus on loans secured by residential property
has been successful without increasing the Bank's risk exposure.
Its home mortgage loans outstanding increased by 12.6 per cent.
During the year, gross loan losses amounted to 0.01 per cent of
the loan portfolio.
Total deposits from the public fell by 0.9 per cent. However,
deposit accounts from the public rose by 3.6 per cent.
- Share index bonds During the year, the Bank launched seven new
share index bonds in a total amount of
EUR 54.0 M. The Bank's market share, counting share index bonds
issued by Finnish banks to the public, was 18 per cent.
- Personal Financial Planning
A growing number of customers signed up for the Bank's advisory
service concept for investors. This concept is based on a long-
term commitment and personalised advisory services, calculated
risk-taking with the help of modern portfolio theory and
at tention to market trends based on the Bank's analysis. The pace
of the PFP product launch did not meet our expectations in all
respects, but sales rose late in 2003. In addition to providing
support to investors in their decision-making, our advisory
concept will also serve as an internal tool in the task of
quality-assuring our investment advice. The portfolio returns
achieved by PFP are encouraging, as the chart below indicates.
- Systems deliveries and negotiations
Delivery of the banking computer system to Tapiola Bank followed
the project plan andwas approved by the customer on December 19.
Another new customer for the Bank of Åland banking computer
system is Den Norske Bank in Norway, which signed an agreement
during the spring of 2003 for delivery of certain modules in the
system.In May, Finland's Aktia Savings Bank and the Bank of Åland
signed a letter of intent,
among other things declaring their interest in two possible areas
of cooperation:
- Sale of a licence to Aktia Savings Banks for the Bank of Åland's
banking computer system
- A resources company that would produce administrative
support services for both banks
The task of conducting feasibility studies about the resource
company and the conversion
to the Bank of Åland's banking computer system was demanding.
Employees again showed that they could handle new challenges in
an admirable way.
However, negotiations with Aktia Savings Bank were terminated in
January 2004 without results.
- Share capital and employee warrants
During June, Aktia Savings Bank issued a public purchase offer
for all employee warrants in the Bank of Åland. The offer was
accepted, and Aktia bought warrants entitling it to subscribe for
774,050 Series B shares in Ålandsbanken Abp (Bank of Åland Plc).
The subscription increased the shareholders' equity of the Bank
of Åland by more than EUR 11.4 M. For those employees who still
held their warrants, the payment was equivalent to about five
months of salary. Employee warrants were offered to all regular
staff members who were employed by the Bank of Åland in March
- CERS Award
In November, the Bank of Åland won the highest honour a company
in Finland can earn in the field of relationship marketing and
service management. The faculty of the Centre for Relationship
Marketing and Service Management (CERS) at the Swedish School of
Economics and Business Administration in Helsinki established the
CERS Award in 1999. Applications from participating companies are
assessed by an international jury, which explained its selection
of the 2003 winner by saying that "The Bank of Åland is an
outstanding example of how the principles of relationship
marketing can be implemented in the banking industry." The jury
also felt that "the Bank of Åland shows a genuine interest in
relationship marketing that goes deeper than superficial slogans"
and that the Bank has achieved major advances in the
implementation of its relationship marketing strategy. Professor
Christian Grönr oos of the Swedish School of Economics and
Business Administration, who was Chairman of the jury, describes
the Bank of Åland's relationship philosophy as follows: "The Bank
of Åland's focus on personal service and the customer orientation
of its Internet bank reflect a preservation of the human touch in
its operations even when emphasising IT-based banking, which
should be characteristic of a relationship-based strategy."
The future
The future will hold many challenges for a small bank. In a world
where the big tend to become even bigger, however, there is an
increasing need for a small, agile player that is willing and
able to focus on certain market segments. We focus on being the
market leader in Åland and on financially active individuals in
major Finnish cities. The fact that
the Bank of Åland's computer system is also highly suitable for
other small banks is a circumstance that contributes further to
our optimism and faith in the future.
- The Åland Division
We want to be a bank for all of Åland. During 2004 our service
development efforts will focus on companies and financially
active individuals as well as young customers. The Bank will
actively participate in cooperation and dialogue concerning
development of infrastructure and the business sector in the
- The Mainland Division - premium banking
On the Finnish mainland, we wish to be perceived as a premium
brand, and we are. In our day-to-day work, we are a bank that
stays close to customers and tailors our s ervices for them.
During 2004 we will further concretise, implement and quality-
assure this strategy.
- Investment banking
We wish to generate growth and new business areas by serving as a
base for innovative entrepreneurs in the financial field. In
addition, in this sector we wish to create the prerequisites for
the Bank's investor advisors to be among the best in the market.
- Continued sales of banking computer systems
We would like to sell additional banking computer system licences
in Finland and do not rule out the possibility of selling
equivalent licences abroad in collaboration with an international
market player. During 2004, these operations will be restructured
into a separate company.
In 2003, the Bank of Åland Group's consolidated net operating
profit was EUR 15.2 M, compared to EUR 14.2 M the year before.
The parent Bank of Åland's net operating profit rose by more than
16 per cent to EUR 15.5 M. The earnings from the Bank's customer
transactions ended up largely unchanged, despite hard work and
higher volume. The market situation described earlier, especially
low interest rates, pulled down earnings in older branches, but
this was offset by improved earnings at more recently established
offices, whose balance sheets do not contain traditional deposits
to an equally high degree. The overall contribution to earnings
customer transactions amounted to EUR 21.1 M.
The investment banking sector, whose operations consist of
support to branch offices, tr ading for the Bank's own account and
portfolio management, contributed EUR 5.5 M, compared to EUR 3.2
M the year before. The improvement is mainly attributable to
dividends and capital gains generated in the Bank's portfolios.
During the year, the Bank decreased its shareholdings in the
Helsinki Stockholm Exchange (HEX) and Chips, the Åland-based food
processing company. The contribution of the Systems Sales
business area rose from EUR 2.3 M to EUR 2.7 M. Head office
expenses for the maintenance of backup services to profit centres
rose from EUR 13.2 M to EUR 13.8 M.
Earnings structure 2003 2002
Contributions from operations
- branch offices 21,134 20,987
- investment banking sector, incl
portfolio management 5,484 3,233
- systems sales 2,651 2,290
Head office expenses -13,78 -13,185
Net operating profit, the Bank 15,483 13,325
On behalf of ourselves as well as the Supervisory Board and the
Board of Directors, we would like to express our gratitude to
shareholders and customers for the confidence you have shown us
and for your smooth collaboration. Thanks to all of you, the Bank
of Åland continues to perform favourably. We would also like to
thank the former Managing Director and CEO of the Bank, Folke
Husell, who left the Bank late in 2003 after having led this
organisation for more than 17 successful years. We would like to
convey special gratitude to all our fellow employees. This past
year was characterised by increased competition and many new
projects. You chose to view all this as an inspiring challenge
and you handled them brilliantly. Together with you, we are ready
to face the future.
Mariehamn, February 2004 The Bank of Åland Executive Team
In 2003, consolidated net operating profit amounted to EUR 15.2 M
(14.2), an increase of EUR 1.0 M or 6.7 per cent compared to the
year before. The improvement in earnings was primarily due to
appreciation in the value of the Bank's share portfolios and
growing income from the computer systems sales business area.
Return on equity before taxes for the year, measured as net
operating profit divided by average equity capital and reserves,
was 15.0 per cent. The Bank thus yielded a return on its
shareholders' equity about 11 percentage points higher than five-
year bond yields.
Net income from financial operations
Narrowing customer margins - due to tough competition and lower
return on the Bank's core capital as a consequence of prevailing
interest rates - caused consolidated income from financial
operations to fall by EUR 1.9 M to EUR 29.6 M (31.5), despite
larger total volume.
Other income
Dividend income rose by EUR 0.4 M to EUR 1.2 M (0.8). Commission
income reached EUR 10.3 M, about the level of the year before.
Income from stock brokerage and capital market products were at a
low level , caused by small demand. During the fourth quarter,
however, demand increased significantly. Capital gains and value
appreciation in the Bank's stock portfolios caused a sharp
increase in net income from the Bank's own securities trading,
which reached EUR 1.9 M (0.4). Other operating income amounted to
EUR 5.6 M (3.9). This included EUR 4.5 M (3.0) in income from the
sale of banking
computer systems. Other income rose by EUR 3.4 M or 20.9 per cent
to EUR 19.8 M (16.4). Total income - net income from financial
operations plus other income - amounted to EUR 49.4 M (47.9).
Staff costs amounted to EUR 18.9 M (16.4). New recruitments and
salary adjustments in compliance with collective agreements
raised staff costs by EUR 1.4 M. In addition, a provision of
about EUR 1 M was made among these costs as a consequence of the
dismissal of the Bank's Managing Director and CEO.
Other administrative expenses (office, marketing, communications
and computer costs) declined by EUR 0.7 M to EUR 8.2 M (8.9).
Depreciation was EUR 0.6 M less than the year before and totalled
EUR 2.3 M (2.9), while other operating expenses were unchanged at
EUR3.9 M.
Total expenses including planned depreciation rose by EUR 1.2 M
to EUR 34.4 M (33.2). Excluding nonrecurring items in 2003,
expenses were at about their 2002 level.
Loan losses
Net loan losses amounted to EUR -0.01 M (recovery), compared to
EUR 0.7 M (loss) the year before. Reported net loan losses as a
percentage of the Bank's receivables andco ntingent liabilities
amounted to -0.01 (0.06) per cent.
During 2003, the Bank's total deposits, including bonds and
certificates of deposit issued to the public and public sector
entities, declined by EUR 12 M or 0.9 per cent and amounted to
EUR 1,398 M.
Deposit accounts rose by EUR 39 M or 3.6 per cent and totalled
EUR 1,134 M.
Total bonds outstanding decreased by EUR 11 M or 6.9 per cent.
During the year, seven share index loans were issued and were
subscribed at a nominal value of EUR 54 M. During the year, share
index loans with a nominal amount of EUR 67 M fell due and were
Certificates of deposit targeted to the public and the public
sector decreased during the year by 25.3 per cent or EUR 40 M to
EUR 119 M.
The Bank's total lending volume rose by EUR 126 M or 10.0 per
cent, amounting to EUR 1,385 M on December 31, 2003. As in prior
years, the increase was mainly attributable to residential
financing for private households and financing for businesses in
the service sector.
Private households accounted for 68.1 per cent of the Bank's
total loans outstanding, while business and professional
activities accounted for 31.0 per cent. The corresponding figures
in 2002 were 66.7 per cent and 32.3 per cent, respectively.
Nonperforming receivables
Total nonperforming receivables and other zero-interest
receivables amounted to EUR 1.4 M (2.0), or 0.1 per cent of loans
and guarantees outstanding.
Balance sheet total
The balance sheet total rose by 2.1 per cent to EUR 1,851 M
At the end of 2003, the number of employees - recalculated as
fill-time equivalents -
was 375. This was an increase of eight positions compared to year-
end 2002.
Capital adequacy
Capital adequacy rules require that the capital base in the form
of shareholders' equity and reserves total at least 8 per cent of
risk-weighted receivables and contingent liabilities. At the end
of December, the Group's capital adequacy according to the Credit
Institutions Act was 11.4 (11.0) per cent. The core capital ratio
was 9.3 (8.3) per cent. The capital base amounted to EUR 106.8 M
Ålandsbanken Fondbolag Ab
Ålandsbanken Fondbolag Ab is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Bank of Åland Plc (Ålandsbanken Abp). The mutual funds (unit
trusts) that the company manages are registered in Finland and
comply with the Act on Mutual Funds. The investment strategies of
the funds are adapted to the needs of Bank of Åland customers.
During the financial year, the company managed the following
mutual funds:
Placeringsfonden Ålandsbanken Corporate Bond
a bond fund that invests in euro-denominated corporate bonds
Placeringsfonden Ålandsbanken Euro Bond
a medium-term bond fund with euro-denominated investments
Placeringsfonden Ålandsbanken Europe Active Portfolio
a European balanced fund with active allocation between fixed
income and
equities investments
Placeringsfonden Ålandsbanken Europe Value
a European equities fund with a value-oriented invest ment
Placeringsfonden Ålandsbanken Global Value
an international equities fund with a value-oriented investment
On December 31, 2002, the number of unit holders totalled 5,337
(4,710 on Dec. 31,
2002), which represented an increase of 13 per cent from one year
earlier. The total assets
under management amounted to EUR 117.4 M (87.1), an increase of
35 per cent from the preceding year. All of these mutual funds
are marketed and sold by the Bank of Åland. Investments in the
funds may also be made via unit-linked insurance plans provided
by the Veritas, Liv-Alandia and Skandia Life insurance companies.
On January 19, 2004, a new mutual fund - Ålandsbanken Nordic
Value - began operations. It is a Nordic equities fund whose
investments are actively managed according to a value-oriented
investment strategy. Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab serves as
portfolio manager of the fund.
Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab
Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab is a subsidiary of the Bank of
Åland Plc. The
company offers a comprehensive range of asset management
services. It has the expertise to manage its customers' finances
in their entirety, i.e. in partnership with the Bank, to create
comprehensive solutions consisting of portfolio management,
insurance alternatives, financing arrangements and banking
services. Aside from direct equity and bond investments, the
company's portfolio management uses share index loans as well as
mutual funds.
During 2003, for the first time in thre e years the company had a
long-term and strong emphasis on equities. The portfolio volume
that the company manages continued to grow during the year, due
to new asset management mandates and growth in existing
portfolios. Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab is now beginning to
attract interest among institutional investors as well.
Forecast for 2004
Despite stiff competition, net income from financial operations
is projected to be unchanged and commission income is projected
to rise. The Bank's securities holdings are expected to generate
less income. Expenses are predicted to decrease. Loan losses are
projected to remain at a low level. Altogether, the probable
outcome is that in 2004, earnings will reach their 2003 level.
Proposed distribution of profit
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
approve as dividend of EUR 1.00 per share, which is equivalent to
a total amount of EUR 11.0 M.
Dec 31, 2003 Dec 31, 2002
Capital adequacy
The Group's capital adequacy according to the Credit
Institutions Act:
Capital base, EUR M
Core capital 86.5 73.3
Supplementary capital 20.3 23.2
Total capital base 106.8 96.5
Risk-weighted volume, EUR M 932,7 879.4
Total capital ratio, % 11,4 11.0
Core capital as % of
risk-weighted volume 9.3 8.3
Nonperforming loans,
EUR M 1.4 2.0
Nonperforming loans amounted to 0.1 per cent of total loans
and contingent liabilities.
Financal ratios
Net operating profit per
share, EUR 1) 1.02 1.00
Equity capital per share,
EUR 2) 9.22 8.69
Return on equity after
taxes % (ROE) 3) 11.4 11.5
before loan losses 1.44 1.45
after loan losses 1.44 1.42
1 Net operating profit minus imputed taxes/Average number of
shares, adjusted for new issue
2 Equity capital and reserves minus imputed taxes/Number of
shares on balance sheet date, adjusted for new issue
3 Net operating profit minus imputed taxes / Average shareholders'
The Group 1-12/03 1-12/02 %
Net income from financial 29.6 31.5 -6.1
Income from investment
in form of equity capital 1.2 0.8 56.6
Commission income 10.3 10.5 -1.7
Net income from securities trans-
actions and foreign ex change 2.7 1.2 124.5
Other operating income 5.6 3.9 42.5
TOTAL INCOME 49.4 47.9 3.1
Commission expenses -1.3 -1.2 6.1
Staff costs -18.9 -16.4 15.2
Other administrative expenses -8.2 -8.9 -8.4
Depreciation -2.3 -2.9 -19.4
Other operating expenses -3.9 -3.9 -0.9
TOTAL EXPENSES -34.4 -33.2 3.7
Loan and guarantee losses 0.1 -0.7
Share in operating results of
company consolidated according
to equity method 0.1 0.3
Income taxes -4.4 -4.2 5.0
Share of profit for the financial
attributable to minority interests -0.1 -0.3
Profit for the year 10.6 9.7 9.2
The group 12/03 12/02 %
Cash 40 89 -55
Claims usable as collateral at
central bank 263 176 49
Claims on credit institutions 77 202 -62
Claims on the public and
public sector entities 1,405 1,260 12
Leasing assets 1 1
Debt securities 8 26 -71
Shares and participations 15 16 -9.0
Shares and participations in associ-
ated companies and subsidiaries 2 2 -5
Intangible assets 3 4 -14
Tangible assets 14 15 -1
Other assets 15 11 40
Accrued income and
prepayments 8 11 -28
TOTAL ASSETS 1,851 1,813 2
Liabilities to credit institutions
central banks 93 111 -16
Liabilities to the public and
public sector entities 1,140 1,101 3
Debt securities issued
to the public 433 433
Other liabilities 30 24 26
Accrued expenses and
deferred income 14 16 -16
Subordinated liabilities 25 22 9
Imputed taxes due 7 7
Minority share of capital 0 0
Equity capital
Share capital 22 20 9
Share premium reserve 25 14 82
Reserve fund 25 25
Capital loan 10 10
Profit brought forward 18 18 -3 Other equity capital 11 10 9
COMMITMENTS 114 103 11
Bank of Åland Plc 1-12/03 1-12/02 %
Net income from financial 29.4 31.3 -6.2
Income from investment
in form of equity capital 2.5 1.0 146.6
Commission income 8.5 8.2 4.0
Net income from securities trans-
actions and foreign exchange 2.6 1.1 134.8
Other operating income 5.6 3.9 42.2
TOTAL INCOME 48.6 45.6 6.7
Commission expenses -1.1 -1.0 0.8
Staff costs -18.2 -15.8 15.3
Other administrative expenses -7.9 -8.7 -8.5
Depreciation -2.3 -2.8 -19.4
Other operat ing expenses -3.8 -3.8 -0.2
TOTAL EXPENSES -33.3 -32.1 3.5
Loan and guarantee losses 0.1 -0.5
Write-downs in securities held as
financial fixed assets 0.0 0.4
PRIATIONS AND TAXES 15.5 13.3 16.2
Provisions 0.0 0.7
Income taxes -4.5 -4.0 10.9
Profit for the year 11.0 10.0 10.4
BALANCE SHEET (EUR M) 12/03 12/02 %
Bank of Åland Plc
Cash 40 89 -55
Claims usable as collateral at
central bank 263 176 49
Claims on credit institutions 77 202 -62
Claims on the public and
public sector entities 1,405 1,260 12
Leasing assets 1 1 -16
Debt securities 7 26 -73
Shares and participations 14 16 -10
Shares and participations in associ-
ated companies and subsidiaries 3 3
Intangible assets 3 4 -3
Tangible assets 14 15 -1
Other assets 15 11 40
Accrued income and
prepayments 8 10 -24
TOTAL ASSETS 1,851 1,812 2
Liabilities to credit institutions
central banks 93 111 -16
Liabilities to the public and
public sector entities 1,140 1,102 3
Debt securities issued
to the public 433 434
Other liabilities 30 24 25
Accrued expenses and
deferred income 14 16 -15
Subordinated liabilities 25 22 9
Imputed taxes due
Accumulated appropriations
Provisions 23 23
Equity capital
Share capital 22 20 9
Share premium reserve 25 14 82
Reserve fund 25 25
Capital loan 10 10
Profit brought forward 0 0
Other equity capital 11 10 10
COMMITMENTS 114 103 11
Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4
The Group 2 003 2003 2003 2003 2002
Net income from financial 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.6
Income from investment
in form of equity capital 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.0
Commission income 3.0 2.5 2.6 2.3 2.4
Net income from securities trans-
actions and foreign exchange 0.7 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.6
Other operating income 2.1 1.0 1.8 0.7 2.0
TOTAL INCOME 13.5 12.2 12.6 11.2 12.6
Commission expenses -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3
Staff costs -5.7 -4.5 -4.5 -4.2 -4.1
Other administrative expenses -5.6 -1.7 -2.1 -1.8 -2.5
Depreciation -0.6 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7
Other operating expenses -1.1 -0.9 -0.9 -1.0 -1.0
TOTAL EXPENSES -10.3 -7.9 -8.4 -7.9 -8.6
Loan and guarantee losses 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 -0.6
Share in operating results of
company consolidated according
to equity method -0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
NET OPERATING PROFIT 3.1 4.4 4.2 3.5 3.6
On February 13, 2004, the Board of Directors of the Bank approved
the financial statements for 2003. The Supervisory Board met the
same day and issued its annual declaration on the financial
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 3 p.m. on Thursday,
March 18 at the
Hotel Arkipelag in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland.
Comments by the Executive Team
Mariehamn, February 16, 2004
The Board of Directors