15.02.2002 09.00 hrs
On February 14, 2002, the Board of Directors/Board of Management of
the Bank approved the accounts for 2001. The Supervisory Board met
the same day and issued its annual declaration on the financial
statements. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 3 p.m. on
Thursday, March 14, 2002 at the Hotel Arkipelag in Mariehamn, Åland,
Net income from financial operations
During 2001, consolidated income from financial operations rose by
4.3 per cent to EUR 33.4 M. The improvement was due to growth in
deposit and lending volume.
Other income
Dividend income amounted to EUR 0.6 M. Commission income fell by 14.6
per cent to EUR 8.9 M. The decrease was due to lower income from
stock brokerage and other capital market products, caused by
decreased demand. Net income from the Bank's own securities trading
amounted to EUR 1.1 M, compared to EUR 2.6 M the preceding year.
Foreign exchange dealing resulted in a net income somewhat lower than
in 2000, totalling EUR 0.9 M. Other operating income amounted to EUR
2.8 M, including nonrecurring income of EUR 0.7 M from the sale of
Total income - net income from financial operations and other income
- decreased by 2.7 per cent to EUR 47.8 M.
New recruitments and salary adjustments in compliance with collective
agreements raised staff co sts by 10.6 per cent to EUR 15.5 M. Other
administrative expenses (office costs, marketing, telecommunications
and computer costs) rose by 24.3 per cent to EUR 8.2 M. As a result
of new investments in computer systems for digital banking services,
depreciation climbed by 11.3 per cent to EUR 2.8 M. Other operating
expenses decreased by 6.2 per cent to EUR 3.5 M.
Total expenses including planned depreciation rose by 11.6 per cent
to EUR 31.2 M.
The effect on income from companies consolidated in the Group
accounts according to the equity method amounted to EUR 0.8 M,
compared to EUR 0.4 M the year before.
Loan losses
Net loan losses amounted to EUR 0.1 M. Reported net loan losses as a
percentage of the Bank's receivables and contingent liabilities
amounted to 0.01 per cent.
Net operating profit decreased by 17.3 per cent to EUR 17.4 M.
During 2001, the Bank's total deposits, including bonds and
certificates of deposit issued to the public and public sector
entities, rose by EUR 1 M or 0.1 per cent and amounted to EUR 1,332
Deposit accounts rose by EUR 37 M or 3.5 per cent and amounted to EUR
1,097 M. The increase was attributable to accounts with interest
rates tied to the ÅAB Prime reference rate and
time deposits tied to the Euribor rate.
The amount of bonds increased by EUR 19.7 M or 17.8 per cent, due to
the share index loans issued during the year.
The increase in deposits and bonds reduced the Bank's need to
refinance in the certificate of deposit m arket. As a result,
certificates of deposit targeted to the public and the public sector
fell by 34.7 per cent to EUR 106 M.
The Bank's total lending volume increased by EUR 56 M or 5.3 per cent
and amounted to EUR 1,109 M as of December 31, 2001. This increase
was attributable to residential financing for private households.
Loans outstanding to the service sector, the production sector and
the public sector declined during the year.
Private households accounted for 65.9 per cent of the Bank's total
loans outstanding, while business and professional activities
accounted for 32.8 per cent. The corresponding figures in 2000 were
62.4 per cent and 36.3 per cent, respectively.
The balance sheet
he balance sheet total climbed 6.0 per cent to EUR 1,686 M.
At the close of 2001, the number of employees, recalculated as full-
time equivalents, was 361. This represented an increase of 16
positions compared to the close of 2000.
Insider rules
The Bank's Board of Directors has accepted the Helsinki Stock
Exchange's insider regulations and has meanwhile established trading
restrictions concerning the Bank's securities, by which an insider is
not entitled to trade in the Bank's securities during a period of 14
days before publication of the Bank's annual accounts or Interim
Ålandsbanken Fondbolag Ab is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank of
Åland Plc (Ålandsbanken Abp). During 2001, it managed the following
mutual funds (uni t trusts):
· Ålandsbanken Euro Bond - a medium-term bond fund with euro-
denominated investments in Europe. Ålandsbanken Asset Management
Ab serves as the portfolio manager of the fund.
· Ålandsbanken Europe Active Portfolio - a flexible European
balanced fund. The Bank of Åland Plc serves as the portfolio
manager of the fund.
· Ålandsbanken Europe Value - a European equities fund with a
value-oriented investment strategy. UBS Asset Management Ltd
serves as the portfolio manager of the fund. Ålandsbanken Europe
Value began its operations on June 1, 2001.
· Ålandsbanken Global Blue Chip - an international equities
fund. The name of the fund was changed on January 7, 2002. The
new name is Ålandsbanken Global Value. Starting on January 7,
2002, UBS Asset Management Ltd serves as the portfolio manager of
the fund (previously managed by the Bank of Åland Plc).
· Ålandsbanken Share Index Loan - a unique share index loan
fund. The Bank of Åland Plc serves as the portfolio manager of
the fund.
All the mutual funds that the company manages are registered in
Finland and comply with the Act on Mutual Funds. The investment
strategies of the funds are adapted to the needs of different Bank of
Åland customer categories.
All the mutual funds are marketed by the Bank of Åland Plc.
Investments in the funds can also be made via Skandia Life's unit-
link insurance plans as well as Avec unit-linked insurance plans,
which are offered by the Veritas and Alandia-bol agen insurance
The number of unit holders on December 31, 2001 amounted to 4,554 and
the total assets under management were EUR 61.7 M.
Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab is a subsidiary of Ålandsbanken Plc.
The company offers customers a comprehensive range of asset
management services.
Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab has achieved profitability and will
pay a dividend for the calendar year 2001. Its operations and
customer base are experiencing stable growth. The company will
therefore continue to expand and recruit new specialists during 2002.
Capital adequacy
The Group's capital adequacy according to the Credit Institutions
Capital adequacy rules require that the capital base in the form of
shareholders' equity and reserves total at least 8 per cent of risk-
weighted receivables and contingent liabilities.
Dec 31, Dec 31,
2001 2000
Capital base, EUR M
Core capital 72.4 66.0
Supplementary capital 28.2 33.9
Total capital base 100.5 99.9
Risk-weighted volume,EUR M 804.2 794.3
Total capital ratio, % 12.50 12.57
Core capital as a percentage
of risk-weighted volume 9.00 8.31
2001 2000
Net operating profit per share, EUR1 1.23 1.50
Equity capital per share, EUR2 8.71 8.33
Return on equity, %3 14.6 19.1
Income/expense ratio
- before loan losses 1.56 1.77
- after loan losses 1.55 1.74
1 Net operating profit minus standard tax/
Average number of shares, adjusted for new issue
2 Equity capital and reserves minus imputed taxes./
Number of shares on balance sheet date, adjusted for new issue
3 Net operating profit minus standard tax/
Average equity capital
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
approve a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share, equivalent to a total
amount of EUR 10.1 M.
The Bank intends to expand further, both by widening its operations
in Helsinki and by enhancing its electronic banking services.
In the fields of asset management and securities brokerage,
the Bank of Åland will refine and adapt its services and products to
current demand. Net income from financial operations and other income
are expected to reach an acceptable level despite tough competition.
Staff costs and other expenses will increase mainly as a consequence
of new recruitments and investments in new technology. Loan losses
are projected to remain at a low level. Altogether, this should lead
to satisfactory earnings in 2002.
Mariehamn, February 14, 2002
The Group 1-12/01 1-12/00 Change %
Net income from financial operations 33.4 32.1 4.3
Income from investment
in form of equity capital 0.6 0.9 -30.5
Commission income 8.9 10.5 -14.6
Net income from securities trans-
actions and foreign exchange dealing 2.0 3.8 -47.7
Other operating income 2.8 1.9 50.1
TOTAL INCOME 47.8 49.2 -2.7
Commission expenses -1.2 -0.5 9.0
Staff costs -15.5 -14.0 10.6
Other administrative expenses -8.2 -6.6 24.3
Depreciation -2.8 -2.5 11.3
Other operating expenses -3.5 -4.3 -6.2
TOTAL EXPENSES -31.2 -27.9 11.6
Loan and guarantee losses -0.1 -0.6 -80.6
Write-downs in securities held as
financial fixed assets 0.0 0.0
Share in operating results of
company consolidated according
to equity method 0.8 0.4 109.0
NET OPERATING PROFIT 17.4 21.0 -17.3
PRIATIONS AND TAXES 17.4 21.0 -17.3
Income taxes -4.7 -6.2 -23.6
Share of profit for the financial year
attributable to minority interests -0.1
Profit for the year 12.5 14.8 -15.2
The group 12/01 12/00 Change %
Cash 40 17 145
Claims usable as collateral at
central bank 216 215 1
Claims on credit institutions 235 211 12
Claims on the public and
public sector entities 1,109 1,053 5
Leasing assets 1 1 -15
Debt securities 26 31 -14
Shares and participations 15 17 -10
Shares and participations in associ-
ated companies and subsidiaries 2 1 56
Intangible assets 5 5 8
Tangible assets 15 17 -9
Other assets 9 16 -41
Accrued income and
prepayments 12 16 -26
TOTAL ASSETS 1,686 1,597 6
Liabilities to credit institutions and
central banks 96 83 -1
Liabilities to the public and
public sector entities 1,103 1,066 3
Debt securities issued
to the public 319 280 -34
Other liabilities 29 33 54
Accrued expenses and
deferred income 12 10 34
Subordinated liabilities 22 22 124
Imputed taxes due 7 6 48
Equity capital
Share capital 20 20
Share premium reserve 13 10
Revaluation reserve 1 1
Reserve fund 25 25
Capital loan 10 15
Profit brought forward 16 11 9
Other equity capital 13 15 55
COMMITMENTS 437 345 27
Bank of Åland Plc 1-12/01 1-12/00 Change %
Net income from financial operations 33.4 32.1 4.2
Income from investment
in form of equity capital 0.6 0.9 -30.5
Commission income 8.0 10.0 -19.8
Net income from securities trans-
actions and foreign exchange dealing 2.0 3.8 -48.0
Other operating income 2.8 1.9 46.5
TOTAL INCOME 46.9 48.7 -3.8
Commission expenses -1.1 -0.5 6.1
Staff costs -15.0 -13.7 9.1
Other administrative expenses -7.9 -6.5 22.6
Depreciation -2.7 -2.5 11.3
Other operating expenses -3.3 -4.3 -9.4
TOTAL EXPENSES -30.1 -27.4 9.9
Loan and guarantee losses -0.2 -1.0 -75.7
Write-downs in securities held as
financial fixed assets 0.0 0.3
NET OPERATING PROFIT 16.5 20.6 -19.8
PRIATIONS AND TAXES 16.5 20.6 -19.8
Provisions -2.5 -6.3 -60 .3
Income taxes -3.9 -4.3 -6.9
Profit for the year 10.1 10.1 0.2
BALANCE SHEET (EUR M) 12/01 12/00 Change %
Bank of Åland Plc
Cash 40 17 -71
Claims usable as collateral at
central bank 216 215 0
Claims on credit institutions 235 211 15
Claims on the public and
public sector entities 1,109 1,053 7
Leasing assets 1 1 35
Debt securities 26 31 112
Shares and participations 15 17 25
Shares and participations in associ-
ated companies and subsidiaries 2 2 -18
Intangible as sets 5 5 -18
Tangible assets 15 16 -4
Other assets 9 16 58
Accrued income and
prepayments 12 16 23
TOTAL ASSETS 1,684 1,598 5
Liabilities to credit institutions and
central banks 96 83 15
Liabilities to the public and
public sector entities 1,103 1,066 3
Debt securities issued
to the public 319 280 14
Other liabilities 28 33 -14
Accrued expenses and
deferred income 12 10 15
Subordinated liabilities 22 22
Imputed taxes due
Accumulated appropriations
Provisions 23 21 12
Equity capital
Share capital 20 20
Share premium reserve 13 10 37
Revaluation reserve 0 1
Reserve fund 25 25
Capital loan 10 15 -29
Profit brought forward
Other equity capital 10 10
COMMITMENTS 437 345 27
Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4
The Group 2001 2001 2001 2001 2000
Net income from financial operations 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9.0
Income from investment
in form of equity capital 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.0
Commission income 2.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6
Net income from securities trans-
actions and foreign exchange dealing 1.2 0.0 0.3 0.5 2.9
Other operating income 1.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5
TOTAL INCOME 13.4 10.6 11.7 12.1 15.1
Commission expenses -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3
Staff costs -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.8 -3.5
Other administrative expenses -2.5 -1.7 -2.1 -1.9 -2.3
Depreciation -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.6
Other operating expenses -1.1 -0.8 -0.5 -1.0 -1.0
TOTAL EXPENSES -8.6 -7.4 -7.4 -7.8 -7.7
Loan and guarantee losses -0.7 0.0 0.6 0.0 -0.6
Share in operating results of
company consolidated according
to equity method 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.1
NET OPERATING PROFIT 4.2 4.0 4.9 4.4 6.9